The Concierge at the Hyatt argued when I wanted a driver to take me to the Pier as it was only 3 blocks away, and the price quadrupled. I knew that communicating ‘a specific area’ was going to be a challenge at best, and if I hired a car the driver would have no choice but to stay with me until I felt comfortable leaving. The first building the driver pulled into was a large office building for the International Pier. I saw the Starbucks inside and shook my head, “No.” That’s not it! He argued in Chinese and I kept shaking my head. He attempted to pull into the pier but Immigrations Officers stopped him. The driver looked at me as if to ask, “Now what?” I said the only words I knew in Chinese loudly, ““Xie Xie,” (thank you) and handed the Immigrations officer my passport and cruise ticket. He answered me in Chinese and I agains said, ““Xie Xie.” He directed my driver to park and wait. While the driver used his phone screaming in Chinese, eventually two Immigrations officers came and took my luggage. I followed them into a building and an English-speaking Chinese gentleman said, “I am Rex. May I have your passport? You wait here for about 20 minutes.” So I sat down on the blue bench without my passport and watched many of the ship’s guests exiting so I knew I was in the correct vicinity. I took a picture of my lonely luggage and was reprimanded by an Immigrations official. Sadly, I can’t post it as my IPhone is not letting me download photos today. Suddenly, some of the ship’s clients who walked by looking lost so I directed them which way to go to which all replied, “Thank you.” They thought I was incoming staff. Too bad this ship has a new tipping policy or I could have done well! Now, it was barely 10 am and the same guests are already going back to the ship and I am wondering if were passing on the day as it was raining. Did they think they would melt? Seriously, the rain is going to stop their day. Umbrellas. I was still waiting when I analyzed this group and realized I didn’t get the memo to wear a Burberry Scarf.
Now, I am remembering my dialogue with the Regent Representative, “Are you sure I can meet the ship in Shanghai?” She replied, “Absolutely, they will be waiting for you.” Waiting for me…right. I had spent almost and hour 45 minute inside the International Shanghai Passenger Terminal sans Passport and I kept thinking ‘yep, they are eagerly waiting for me?” Rex eventually returned and helped take my luggage to the pier. He carried all 3 pieces up many staircases, through corridors and down stairs then up again…until we were outside on concrete outside the ship. I boarded, received my room key and proceeded to the Internet Cafe just in time as it closes at 11am till 4. Now…once again I am able to communicate though I was informed that in Japanese waters there will be no Internet connection as they run there emergency bands on the same bands as the Internet at sea. A good tidbit for those out there thinking about future cruising in Japan. And yes, the room is beautiful, spacious and so-far the Internet connection has been great!